Case Settled

Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Surgery Results in Paralysis

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Our client underwent back surgery for spinal stenosis at an Indianapolis hospital. Immediately following the surgery, she woke up to find that she was paralyzed and could not move her legs. The doctor who performed the surgery waited several days before ordering any x-rays, and the imaging subsequently revealed a blood clot roughly the size and shape of a hot dog on her spinal cord. The client underwent further surgery to remove the hematoma but remained paralyzed.

She underwent six weeks of therapy at a rehab hospital and then five weeks of further therapy at another hospital, after which she is now able to walk with a cane and a brace on her right leg. Both legs remain numb, and she suffers severe back pain and pain down her legs for which she takes medication. She was working at a different hospital at the time of the surgery but was unable to return to work and was subsequently retired by her employer. WKW was successful in obtaining a settlement before trial.

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