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Five Things to Look for in a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Updated February 22, 2023 | By Wilson Kehoe Winingham staff

When you, your child, or another member of your family has been injured by negligence on the part of a doctor or nurse, consider seeking a medical malpractice lawsuit so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

Unfortunately, finding the right attorney for your situation can be complicated and overwhelming—especially if you are juggling ongoing medical bills, loss of wages, and caring for an injured loved one. To get started, think about what to look for in a medical malpractice attorney.

What to Look for in a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Keep these five things in mind as you search for an attorney to fight for your case.

Experience in Medical Malpractice Law

Law is a vast field of study, so most attorneys specialize in one or two areas of the course of their career. Look for an attorney with a documented background in medical malpractice law. Additionally, read client reviews and search for successful medical malpractice case results on their law firm’s website.

History of Representing Plaintiffs

Even if the attorney you are researching has medical malpractice experience, it’s important to consider what type of law they practice. Most medical malpractice attorneys fall into one of two categories: defending doctors from suits or representing injured patients. To represent your case, find a plaintiff’s lawyer—one who has a history fighting for the rights of people like you.

Network of Medical Experts

Medical malpractice cases don’t just consist of a defendant and a plaintiff; in fact, a majority of cases take advantage of medical experts like doctors and nurses who are used to show how a healthcare provider was negligent. An experienced medical malpractice attorney will have a network of experts ready to testify on your behalf. Some law firms will even have legal nurse consultants on staff.

Familiarity with the Medical Field

Any conversation about medical malpractice involves complicated terms associated with things like surgery, medication, injuries, and long-term care. They need to be able to understand and discuss medical records and doctor’s notes. Look for an attorney who is comfortable speaking about medical issues—and, if possible, find a medical malpractice lawyer who previously practiced medicine.

Communication Skills

An attorney not only needs to understand medical malpractice; they also must be able to clearly explain it to you. Your lawyer should be able to hear the details of your case, summarize the information, and create a clear narrative arguing that negligence has occurred. If they aren’t listening to you or are unable to communicate effectively, move on to the next attorney on your list.

How to Find a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Your search for an attorney can start by getting recommendations from a variety of sources:

  • Doctors and healthcare professionals (other than those individuals who committed negligence against you)
  • Your insurance company
  • An attorney in another specialty
  • American Bar Association in your area

Do your research, set up meetings, ask questions, and trust your gut.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney Today

If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of medical malpractice or negligence, contact the Indianapolis Medical Malpractice Attorneys of Wilson Kehoe Winingham. The lawyers at WKW can help you and your family get the compensation you deserve. Call 317.920.6400 or fill out an online contact form for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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Let WKW put our experience to work for you. Contact us for your free case evaluation.


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