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Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyers Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyer Blog Dangers of Speeding: Why Is it Illegal, and What Are the Legal Consequences?
Request a Free ConsultationUpdated October 16, 2024 | By Wilson Kehoe Winingham staff
It is illegal to drive over the speed limit as deemed “safe” by reasonable regard to traffic conditions. Driving over the speed limit at any rate can be extremely dangerous to the driver, passengers, and others on the road.
Although it may not always be top of mind on a routine outing, it is important to pay attention to your speed on the road. Speeding can not only result in crashes but the driver or responsible party can also face serious legal consequences.
Speeding is one of the most dangerous things you can do while driving a vehicle. Driving too fast makes you more likely to hit another car or pedestrian, gives you less control while driving, and increases the severity of any resulting collision.
The dangers of speeding include:
Speeding not only refers to driving over the posted speed limit. Speeding can also include other behaviors, such as driving too fast for road conditions like rain or ice or driving carelessly through construction zones.
In addition to the dangers of speeding that result in accidents, speeding can also lead to frequent speeding tickets and points on your license, increased insurance rates, increased wear and tear on your vehicle, and increased fuel costs.
Speeding accidents happen all around our country, and Indiana is no different. Speeding problems can and do happen everywhere. That’s why it’s so important for every driver on the road to be aware of their speed and the speed of those around them to lessen the consequences of speeding in Indiana and the U.S. as a whole.
Here are some speeding statistics to consider when on the road. Many of these statistics are taken from the latest Indiana Crash Facts Book Report.
Many people speed, often for reasons unrelated to aggressive behavior. Some reasons why drivers speed include traffic congestion, running late, as well as simple disregard for the law.
Frustration while driving through heavy traffic can increase a driver’s aggressiveness and result in speeding. Drivers frustrated by traffic tend to change lanes frequently or express road rage toward other drivers.
It’s never good when you look at the clock and realize it’s 15 minutes past when you were originally supposed to leave. This happens to the best of us, often making individuals want to drive faster in order to try to make up time on the road. Running late for work, meetings, school, appointments, or other activities is common and can be a big factor in why drivers speed. Plus, when worrying about being late, a driver can be more easily distracted since their mind is on places other than the road in front of them.
Many drivers speed without showing any signs of aggressiveness or road rage. Speeding can simply be a result of not wanting to drive according to the law due to one’s own personal agenda or desire to get somewhere quicker.
Blatant unawareness of the speed at which people are driving is a large factor in speeding. Whether it’s thinking about where they’re going, talking to a passenger in the car, or any other form of distracted driving, a driver may not even realize how fast they are going until it’s too late.
Even if not everyone knows the specific dangers of speeding, everyone knows not to speed. So, why do people still do it? There are many reasons why, and identifying the reason for speeding in the moment is the first step to stopping the risky behavior:
Read more about the common causes of road accidents in WKW’s car accident blog.
In the United States, nearly one-third of all car crashes are a result of speeding. When speeding, the driver has less time to react to other drivers on the road or to road conditions. There are many common accidents related to speed, including:
Excessive speed can be a factor in any accident. High speeds also increase the severity of injury and fatality rates and can cause excessive property damage compared to accidents where high speeds may not have been a factor. An Indianapolis car accident attorney can help you recover compensation for an accident that was not your fault.
One of the main problems with speeding is that it is easy to mindlessly forget the speed limit, to be in a hurry, or to become frustrated and aggressive while on the road. To avoid accidents or other dangers caused by speeding, keep the following tips in mind:
In addition to these points, it’s also important to be familiar with Indiana’s “Move Over” laws. When there is an emergency vehicle, you need to move over to let it through. If a vehicle is stopped and has flashing lights, merge so that there is a lane open between it and your vehicle.
The consequences of speeding vary widely depending on the circumstances. If a driver is pulled over, they may receive a speeding ticket resulting in points added to their license. Ticket costs can range from anywhere between $75 and $400, depending on the state laws and your driving record.
First- or second-time offenders probably won’t lose their license. With three or more violations in the past five years, however, that risk increases. Where speed is a factor along with additional factors, penalties and consequences may be higher or different altogether.
Car crashes and other auto accidents are scary, especially when high speeds are involved. If you are involved in an auto accident, follow these steps to ensure safety:
It is not illegal to drive under the speed limit, particularly in harsh weather conditions. However, it may be dangerous. Indiana law requires drivers to drive at the speed that is posted. Take a look at the “Speed Limits” section of the Indiana Driver’s Manual for more information on speeding.
We’ve talked a lot about speeding, but what is speeding, exactly? According to the Indiana Crash Facts Book, speed-related is defined as an unsafe speed that leads to the cause of a collision. This means that excessive speed can either be the main reason or a contributing factor to an accident.
There is no particular speed that causes a fatality in a car crash. Instead, it is the intensity of the crash and what damage is done to the people and property involved. However, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), tests conclude that driving 50 mph or above is more likely to result in injury or death than driving at speeds below that.
Car damage at different speeds can range from minor injuries to fatalities. That’s why it’s so important to be cautious while on the road.
In Indiana, there were 188 fatalities involving speed-related collisions in 2019.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving is the leading cause of accidents nationwide. Speeding can contribute to distracted driving.
If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident as a result of speeding, contact an Indianapolis car accident lawyer from Wilson Kehoe Winingham today. We can help you get the compensation you deserve. Call 317.689.0654 or fill out an online contact form for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. We look forward to hearing from you!
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