The Dangers of Frozen Waters

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Updated May 3, 2023

January is typically the coldest month of the year in Indiana. Normal January minimum temperatures range from 15 and 21 degrees north to south. A recent local news story reminded us how dangerous frozen bodies of water can be.

Whether you’re ice fishing, ice skating, or simply walking, every Hoosier needs to be aware of the dangers of frozen ponds and lakes.

Look Out for Thin Ice

According to The Clymb, “Anything less than 3 inches should be avoided at all costs. 4 inches can support activities like ice fishing, walking and cross-country skiing. 5 inches can support a snowmobile or an ATV, while 8 to 12 inches of ice is enough to support a small car.”

Before deciding whether ice is thick enough, measure it by using an ice auger, an ice chisel, or even a cordless drill with a drill bit. Penetrate through the ice and measure its thickness.

Although the ice may be thick enough, don’t assume it’s safe. Make a visual inspection. If you see cracks, slush, or dark areas (where the ice is thinner), avoid the area. Better safe than sorry.

Wilson Kehoe Winingham brings you this information with best regards for you and your family’s safety.

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